Searching for a physician who is board-eligible or board-certified in internal medicine, family medicine, or emergency medicine and who is experienced in primary care or hospital medicine to provide on-site services on a full-time basis to a male incarcerated population with some specialty populations (e.g., dementia, developmentally disabled). Selected physician will share provider duties with multiple nurse practitioners. On-call coverage is not required. A five-day/8-hour shift schedule is preferred, but there is some flexibility based on needs of facility. No nights or weekends. Selected physician will see approximately 2.5 patients/hour. Assignment is expected to last at least 6 months but may be extended based on need and mutual good fit. Both a phone interview and on-site meeting/tour will be required.
JOB DUTIES IN ORDER OF IMPORTANCE: (These duties are illustrative only. Incumbents may perform some or
all of these duties or other job-related duties as assigned.)
Performs routine & emergency medical care of non -specialized nature to patients or inmates in state facilities (i.e.,
examines, diagnoses & treats patients & monitors progress, inoculates or vaccinates against communicable diseases,
prescribes medication & prescribes or administers treatment for acute & chronically ill patients & performs minor surgery),
or performs routine physical examinations of clients or employees to determine medical condition for claims purposes or
to determine suitability for employment.
Attends professional meetings, work conferences &/or interdisciplinary team meetings to participate in development of
total quality care plan for patients or inmates, consults with other physicians & determines need for specialized care or
treatment, acts as consultant to other professionals (e.g., social workers, psychiatrists, psychologists) & instructs nursing,
technical & para-professional staff.
Writes medical evaluations & reports, admission, discharge & death summaries; interprets & analyze s laboratory reports
& findings & writes summary; maintains written account of patient progress; writes orders & instructions to nursing &
support staff.
Knowledge of English; anatomy; physiology; medicine; psychology. Skill in administering treatments & medication. Ability
to deal with many variables & determine specific course of action; interpret extensive variety of technical material in
medical journals; handle sensitive contacts with persons who are ill.
Certificate to practice medicine issued by State Medical Board, pursuant to Section 4731.14 of Revised Code & certificate
of registration issued by State Medical Board, pursuant to Section 4731.281 of Revised Code or limited registration with
subsequent application for next available biennial medical st ate board examination (i.e., Federation Licensing
Examination) to test for limited certificate per Section 4731.292 of Revised Code as it applies for foreign medical
Biannual renewal with 100 hrs. of continuing education. Foreign medical graduates may only take the FLEX twice, two
failures result in removal from position & graduates must take the tests as soon as they occur. After 2 yrs. of experience
foreign medical graduates who have passed their FLEX & have received a limited certificate will receive full licensure