Compiles health information (e.g., reviews, catalogs & checks medical reports for completeness; organizes medical
reports for placement in files; reviews charts to ensure all reports & signatures are present).
Types health information forms (e.g., prepares charts for new admissions; fills out forms; prepares requests for specific
reports or certificates).
Compiles & types statistical reports such as daily & monthly census, Medicaid days, admissions, discharges, or length of
Files reports into health information records, records information in logs & files & retrieves health information records in
filing system.
Provides information from health information records after determining appropriateness of request.
Coordinates with other departments concerning health information records procedures.
Knowledge of health information technology; JCAH & Medicare/Medicaid regulations governing medical record keeping;
requirements governing confidentiality of patient information; medical terminology. Skill in use of typewriter &/or word
processor & calculator. Ability to deal with problems involving few variables within familiar context; write routine business
letters, evaluations or records following standard procedures; proofread medical reports & recognize errors; recognize
when medical records information is missing; gather collate & classify information about data, people or things.
()Developed after employment.
3 courses or 9 mos. exp. in records management; 1 course or 3 mos. exp. in medical terminology; 1 course or 3 mos. exp.
in typing.
-Or equivalent of Minimum Class Qualifications for Employment noted above.